Late Stage Capitalism

Late Stage Captalism is a term that gained currency in the mid 20th century by Marxist critics to describe the last stage of capitalism.

While Marx/Engels never used the phrase explicitly, they hunted for signs in the market and world events that would precipiate the fall of captialism, with eschatological fervor.

Francis Wheen's Das Kapital: A Biography is a solid introduction to Marx as an individual, his most important work, Capital and his relationship with Engels (A Bernie/Tom Steyars sort-of bromance.)

More recently, it's become known as the name of a subreddit on a large upvote-based internet forum to represent a view-point that examines life through the lens of consumerism, class consciousness and other current economic modalities (Vickers, Work in Essex County, page 98)


"Universal industrialization"

Scale Scales Industrialisation has tended towards huge corporations that span many jurisdictions

dual-class shares Private control of public companies